the problem
A world of misinformation
Patients today are surrounded by misinformation from all sides. This reduces treatment compliance and consequently outcomes.
Doctors meanwhile keep getting busier and are unable to give ample time to explain the right information to patients.
20-30% YouTube videos contain inaccurate or misleading information - WHO

the solution
Let's empower our doctors to communicate better, even after the visits.
According to the University of Chicago, 84 per cent of the general public trust doctors compared to 72 per cent who trust hospitals and 64 per cent who trust the healthcare system as a whole.
Doctors remain the most trusted source of information for patients. An informed patient is also better for the doctor to ensure treatment compliance as well as reduce misunderstandings.

Knowledge leadership
Be known in the community as the expert in your subject. Become the first name people recall in your specialty.
Satisfied patients
Ensure satisfaction among your patients and let them know more about their condition and what to expect.
Better outcomes
Get better treatment outcomes from better treatment compliance and lifestyle adapatation.
Better follow-up compliance
Ensure your patients complete the regimen prescribed and undergo necessary follow-up tests and visits with timely reminders.
Community leadership
Become the voice of reason your patients naturally select for relevant healthcare problems.